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Grieving the loss of a loved one is hard.  Opening the estate and administering a will through the probate process at the same time can be daunting.  Notwithstanding the emotional impact, the fiduciary duty that an estate’s personal representative faces in managing the assets can be a challenge even to those with business acumen and certainly for those that have never experienced the process.  Probate is a meticulous and time-consuming process.  Assets must be inventoried, appraised, and reported to the court.  Many estates require accountings to be filed and approved by the court; distributions of assets must be coordinated with the beneficiaries; and income tax obligations must be satisfied.  These are but a few of the many obligations that befall a personal representative. 

Niles Barton is one of the oldest firms in Maryland specializing in the administration of estates.  For decades, our professionals have helped families navigate the probate process and during that time have worked closely with the Registers of Wills and Orphans’ Courts of jurisdictions all over Maryland.  In short, we understand estates and we understand how to get them to completed as efficiently as possible.  Our goal is to take that burden off your shoulders so that you can move forward with your life at your own pace.